Tuesday 13 September 2011

Exploring different ideas

I wanted to look into how I would work the thoroughfares within the building so I designed this 5 way area that would allow access between the various rooms. I created the shape on 3Ds max.  Unfortunately, because I am retarded I didn't take any snapshots of it.  Hopefully it's still there and I can update this later.

Ok I found images of the piece:

During the mid semester crit I got the feedback to really think about the idea of spinning and using that to change the space.  I created these 'real life' models of spinning rooms that could change the interaction between different people as well as allow for private spaces.

Here are images of the model I quickly made to test the idea. I figure the rooms could spin as if to create separate spaces, if say two or three of the people wanted a private meeting, or alternatively each room could spin away from the center to completely privatise their space.

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